+ more newsIOCCP Terms of Reference
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
A joint project of Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and an affiliate program of the Global Carbon Project.
Terms of Reference
Approved at the XII Session of the SSG, 6-7 February 2017, Miami, USA
The International Ocean Carbon and biogeochemistry Coordination Project (IOCCP) promotes the development of a global network of ocean carbon and biogeochemistry observations, coordinates the development of globally acceptable strategies and provides technical coordination developing operating methodologies, practices and standards, homogenizing efforts of the research community and scientific advisory groups. IOCCP also provides communication services for marine biogeochemistry community as well as advocacy and links to a multidisciplinary sustained global observing system.
Here we consider the term biogeochemistry to include the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) for Biogeochemistry. These EOVs enable the understanding and quantification of the following phenomena: ocean acidification, ocean deoxygenation, eutrophication, exchanges between the atmosphere, surface ocean and deep ocean, and carbon and nutrient remineralization and sequestration.
1. | Identify priority measurements for implementation of GOOS observations of ocean carbon and biogeochemistry, and promote development and adoption of necessary measurements and measurement technology. |
2. | Develop activities to implement the goals and recommendations set by international and intergovernmental bodies relevant to the work of IOCCP. |
3. | Develop and maintain a set of specifications, implementation goals, and progress metrics for EOVs for ocean carbon and biogeochemistry parameters for GOOS and corresponding Essential Climate Variables for the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). |
4. | Promote international agreements on measurement methodologies and best practices, primary and secondary data quality control and quality assurance procedures, data and metadata formats, and development and use of certified reference materials. |
5. | Coordinate activities of individual networks and programs to streamline ocean carbon and biogeochemistry measurements. |
6. | Facilitate a dialogue with stakeholders to implement a scientifically and economically effective, fit-for-purpose observing system for ocean carbon and biogeochemistry. |
7. | Develop and support training activities for users of observing technologies (instruments, sensors and platforms) for ocean carbon and biogeochemistry. |
8. | Promote and develop interoperable data management activities and policies to ensure open access to, and preservation of, fully documented ocean carbon and biogeochemistry data. |
9. | Promote the integration of ocean carbon and biogeochemistry information into research and assessments including the use of relevant data synthesis products (e.g., SOCAT, GLODAP). |
10. | Serve as an international communication centre on ocean carbon and biogeochemistry observing activities. |
11. | Report to sponsors and the global ocean carbon and biogeochemistry observing community on the state of planning and accomplishments of IOCCP. |
12. | Raise funds to implement IOCCP activities. |
You can also view and download the IOCCP Terms of Reference in PDF format.
Time Series Metadata Directory
Friday, 27 January 2017
Relevant sessions at EGU General Assembly, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
On this page you will find a list of subjectively selected 2017 EGU General Assembly sessions relevant to the marine biogeochemistry community. If you're interested in adding a session to this list, please contact the IOCCP Office.
Abstract submission deadline: 11 January 2017.
OS4.3: Advances in water column and seafloor fixed point observatories
Convener: Richard Lampitt; Co-Conveners: Martin Heesemann, Luisa Cristini, Susanne Neuer, Eric Delory, Mairi Best
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
OS3.1/BG9.69: Ocean biogeochemistry: novel approaches and synthesis
Conveners: Daniela Turk, Olaf Duteil, Judith Hauck, Siv Lauvset, Vincent Rossi, Maribel García-Ibáñez, Eric Achterberg, Jošt Valentin Lavrič, Nicholas Bates
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
OS3.2: Recent advances in analysis and prediction of marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems
Convener: Marion Gehlen; Co-Conveners: Katja Fennel , Stephanie Dutkiewicz
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
AS4.4/BG9.1/OS3.7: Air-sea exchanges: Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Climate
Convener: Maria Kanakidou; Co-Conveners: Peter S. Liss, Parvadha Suntharalingam, Frank Dentener, Manmohan Sarin, Robert Duce
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
BG3.3/OS3.9: Coastal Carbon: From Vegetated Coasts to Sedimentary Stores
Convener: Craig Smeaton; Co-Conveners: William Austin, Hilary Kennedy, Thomas Bianchi, Evina Gontikaki
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
BG3.1/OS3.8: Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves
Convener: Helmuth Thomas; Co-Conveners: Alberto V. Borges
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
OS1.7: The Southern Ocean in a changing climate: open-ocean physical and biogeochemical processes
Conveners: Lavinia Patara , Ivy Frenger; Co-Conveners: Carolina Dufour , Julien Le Sommer , Judith Hauck , Jean-Baptiste Sallee
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
Relevant sessions at EGU General Assembly, 8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
On this page you will find a list of subjectively selected 2018 EGU General Assembly sessions relevant to the marine biogeochemistry community. If you're interested in adding a session to this list, please contact the IOCCP Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Abstract submission deadline: 10 January 2018, 13:00 CET.
Ocean biogeochemistry, climate and ecosystems: recent advances and novel approaches to synthesis and predictions (co-organized)
Convener: Maribel I. García-Ibáñez | Co-Conveners: Siv K Lauvset, Vincent Rossi, Olaf Duteil, Judith Hauck, Raquel Vaquer-Sunyer, Nicholas Bates, Daniela Turk
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
The Southern Ocean in a changing climate: open-ocean physical and biogeochemical processes (co-organized)
Convener: Judith Hauck | Co-Conveners: Carolina Dufour, Ivy Frenger, Alexander Haumann
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Oxygen Dynamics in Coastal and Shelf Seas (co-organized)
Convener: Charlotte Williams | Co-Conveners: Matthew R. Palmer, Bastien Queste, Lorenzo Rovelli, Sunke Schmidtko
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Recent advances in ocean physics and biogeochemistry from autonomous underwater vehicles (co-organized)
Convener: Simon Ruiz | Co-Conveners: Pierre Testor, Karen J. Heywood, Antonio Olita
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Deep and bottom waters in the global ocean: Formation, transport and mixing (co-organized)
Convener: Céline Heuzé | Co-Conveners: Carolina Dufour, Erik Behrens, Sunke Schmidtko
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)
Convener: Marilaure Grégoire | Co-Conveners: Samuel Somot, Emil Stanev, Gianmaria Sannino, Emin Özsoy, Ananda Pascual
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves (including Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal Lecture) (co-organized)
Convener: Helmuth Thomas | Co-Conveners: Alberto V. Borges, Craig Smeaton, William Austin
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
Open session on observing the ocean
Convener: Francesco Marcello Falcieri | Co-Conveners: Francesco Barbariol, Stylianos Flampouris, Cristina Naranjo
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Open Session on Operational Oceanography
Convener: Richard Allard | Co-Conveners: Paolo Oddo, Jacopo Chiggiato, Emanuel Coelho
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Advances in water column and seafloor fixed point observatories
Convener: Mairi Best | Co-Conveners: Martin Heesemann, Luisa Cristini, Richard Lampitt, Eric Delory, Sofia Alexiou
For more information and to submit and abstract follow this link:
Stable isotopes and novel tracers in biogeochemical and atmospheric research (co-organized)
Convener: Thomas Röckmann | Co-Conveners: Jan Kaiser, Alexander Knohl, Matthias Cuntz
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Air-sea exchanges: Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Climate (co-organized)
Convener: Maria Kanakidou | Co-Conveners: Peter S. Liss, Parvadha Suntharalingam, Frank Dentener, Manmohan Sarin, Robert Duce
For more information and to submit an abstract follow this link:
Relevant sessions at AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA
Monday, 04 July 2016
On this page you will find a list of subjectively selected 2016 AGU Fall Meeting sessions relevant to the marine biogeochemistry community. Sessions are listed in an alphabetical order. If you're interested in adding a session to this list, please contact the IOCCP Office.
Abstract submission deadline: 3 August, 11:59 P.M. EDT (GMT-4)
B089. Understanding the efficacy of "negative emissions": Carbon-cycle and Climate Feedbacks of Carbon Dioxide Removal Methods
David P Keller, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, Andrew Lenton, CSIRO Hobart, Hobart, Australia, Vivian Scott, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH9, United Kingdom and Naomi Vaughan, University of East Anglia, Tyndall Centre, Norwich, United Kingdom
- For more information and to submit an abstract click HERE.
OS004. Emerging constraints on Southern Ocean biogeochemistry
Britton B Stephens, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States, Matthew C Long, National Center for Atm Res, Boulder, CO, United States, Kenneth S Johnson, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Watsonville, CA, United States and Hugh W Ducklow, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Division of Biology and Paleo Environment, Palisades, NY, United States
- For more information and to submit an abstract click HERE.
OS019. Next generation biological and chemical sensors for ocean observations
Oliver Zielinski, University of Oldenburg, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Oldenburg, Germany, Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Watsonville, CA, United States, Douglas Connelly, National Oceanography Centre, NERC, Southampton, United Kingdom and Jay Pearlman, J&FE, Chief Scientist, Seattle, WA, United States
- For more information and to submit an abstract click HERE.You can also see the session ad.
OS022. Oceanography without getting wet: Leveraging satellite, glider and model data streams
Cara Wilson, NOAA, Boulder, CO, United States and Victoria Coles, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory, Cambridge, MD, United States
- For more information and to submit an abstract click HERE.
OS024. Recent advances in ocean biogeochemical and ecosystem modeling
Nicole S Lovenduski, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States and John P Dunne, NOAA / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, United States
- For more information and to submit an abstract click HERE.
OS032. Tropical Pacific biogeochemistry
Adrienne J Sutton, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, United States; Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Seattle, WA, United States and Peter G Strutton, University of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, Hobart, Australia
- For more information and to submit an abstract click HERE.
Monday, 23 November 2015
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IOCCP Conveyor Archives
Friday, 15 March 2013
March 2018:
- A Word from the Editors
New IOCCP co-Chair: Kim Currie takes over from Toste Tanhua
Véronique Garçon joins IOCCP SSG as responsible for the new IOCCP Oxygen Theme
IOCCP SSG member profile: Kim Currie
Updates on ocean acidification
Surface Ocean CO2 Global Observing Network (SOCOGON)
Best practices for ocean observing systems
A user’s guide for selected autonomous biogeochemical sensors
New global datasets published
Upcoming Events
October 2017:
- A Word from the Editors
- SOCATv5 released at 10th SOCAT Anniversary
- IOCCP side event on data management
- SOLAS-IMBER-IOCCP-GCP-CLIVAR-WCRP meeting on future ocean carbon cycle research
- IOCCP SSG member profile: Doug Connelly
- Sensors and Instrumentation Roadmap produced by the EU AtlantOS project
- GOOS Biogeochemistry EOVs version 2.0 released
- Implementation of Multi-disciplinary Sustained Ocean Observations (IMSOO)
- IMSOO workshop and report
- IMSOO follow-up activities
- On the road to OceanObs’19
- Two major reports on the status of the ocean published
- The Global Ocean Science Report
- What are Marine Ecological Time Series telling us about the ocean? A status report
- NCEI OCADS website
- Upcoming Events
April 2017:
- A Word from the Editors
- XII Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
- New IOCCP SSG Terms of Reference!
- Co-chairmanship system introduced by IOCCP SSG
- New co-Chair of IOCCP SSG: Masao Ishii
- Update on CDIAC-Oceans
- Setting biogeochemical observing targets
- Technical Workshop on Carbonate System Measurements for members of LAOCA
- IOCCP encourages the use of Certified Reference Material for nutrients
- Upcoming Events
October 2016:
- A Word from the Editor
- Report from the IOCCP-JAMSTEC 2015 inter-laboratory calibration exercise for nutrients in seawater
- New IOCCP SSG member profile: Björn Fiedler
- Launch of ApHRICA: "OceAn pH Research Integration and Collaboration in Africa"
- The SenseOCEAN project successfully deploys a truly multi-parameter insitu sensor
- The Rationale, Design and Implementation Plan for Biogeochemical-Argo
- G7 support for enhancement of multidisciplinary sustained global ocean observing system
- Update on SOCAT activities
- SOCAT version 4 released!
- A new article highlights the wide scientific impact of SOCAT
- Upcoming Events
June 2016:
- A Word from the Editor
- 11th Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group: meeting and report published
- Rotations in the IOCCP SSG
- New IOCCP SSG member profile: Cristian Vargas
- 4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World and the 3rd GOA-ON Science Workshop
- IOCCP Position Paper on Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Data Management
- 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting
- Measurement of pCO2 on the Ship-Of-Opportunity Programme (SOOP-CO2) operations meeting
- Report of the 7th Session of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG)
- GCOS Implementation Plan and GCOS Science Conference
- New carbon-relevant dataset products published
- Upcoming Events
February 2016:
- A Word from the Editor
- Changes in the IOCCP Office
- IOCCP in the AtlantOS project
- AtlantOS WP1 Workshop in Copenhagen
- IOCCP and the GCOS Implementation Plan 2016
- GOA-ON Executive Meeting on Data Portal and Synthesis Products
- Launch of the Latin American Ocean Acidification Network (LAOCA)
- Release of the Global Ocean Data Analysis Product version 2 (GLODAPv2)
- Upcoming Events
January 2013:
- A Word from the Editor
- Update on the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas
- Global Intercomparability in a Changing Ocean: An International Time-Series Methods Workshop
- The Global Ocean Data Analysis Product version 2
- The Global Carbon Budget 2012
- The Legacy of in situ Iron Enrichment Experiments: Creation of a Relational, Open-Access Database
- EPOCA, the first international project on ocean acidification came to an end
- Changes in the IOCCP Project Office
August 2011:
- Public release of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas planned for September 2011
- LDEO Database V2010 is now available at CDIAC
- Replacement of the EOS-80 definition of seawater properties with TEOS-10
- First National Meeting of U.S. Ocean Acidification Researchers
- The Mediterranean Sea in need of a GO-SHIP-like program
- Upcoming Meetings
May 2011:
- The Kick-Off Meeting of the CARBOCHANGE Project
- The New Air-Sea CO2 Flux Dataset Published at CDIAC
- Ocean Carbon Observations As a Part of Inter-disciplinary Multi-platform Global Observing Network
- Scientists Offer Warning and Plan For Protecting Earth’s ‘Blue Carbon’
- The International Workshop on the Economics of Ocean Acidification
- The New Portal for Ocean Science Summer Schools
February 2011:
- IOCCP Welcomes Maciej Telszewski as New Assistant Project Director
- A New Seawater Carbon Calculator for Windows, Mac, OS10 and iOS (iPhone)
- "Ocean Fertilization: A scientific Summary for Policy Makers" Published
- A New Guide "Ocean Acidification: questions answered" Published
- Three New Publications by the Global Carbon Project
- New Educational Booklet "Global Change: from research to the classroom" Available
- Launch of the New Journal Carbon Management
November 2010:
- Updated Repeat Hydrography Manual Now Available On-line
- Special Issue of Oceanography Magazine "Celebrating 50 Years of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission"
- Matlab Toolbox to Perform Secondary Quality Control on Hydrographic Data Published at CDIAC
- Alliance for Coastal Technology Releases Demonstration Statements for pCO2 Analyzers
- REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes (RECAPP) meeting
- Fifth Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
August 2010:
- The Ocean in a High-CO2 World Symposium 2012 international planning committee and venue selected
- Guide to Best Practices for Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting now available online
- LDEO Database Version 2009 now available from CDIAC
- Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Update
- Recent Workshops:
SOCAT Southern Ocean Regional Workshop, Hobart, Australia
PACIFICA Workshop, Tokyo, Japan
March 2010:
- The Ocean in a High-CO2 World Symposium in 2012
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Regional Workshop Updates
- Equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean SOCAT Workshop held in Tokyo, Japan
- Southern Ocean SOCAT Workshop to be held in Hobart, Australia
- GO-SHIP International Planning meeting held in Portland
- IOC-ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards Meeting held in Paris
December 2009:
- GO-SHIP News
- Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Homepage Launched
- Release of the Global Surface pCO2 (LDEO) Database V2008
- Special Issue on the Future of Ocean Biogeochemistry in a High-CO2 World Published
- New CO2 Outreach Tool Developed
September 2009:
- CARINA data publicly available at CDIAC
- The Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Meaurements released
- OceanObs'09 Conference, Venice, Italy
- From Panel to Program: The Evolution of GO-SHIP
- International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC8), Jena, Germany
- Fourth Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
June 2009:
- Open Review of "Best Practices in Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting
- Development of a new "US Carbon Cycle Plan"
- Ocean Carbon Community White Papers at OceanObs'09
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Update
February 2009:
- The Monaco Declaration and Research Priorities Report Launched at ASLO
- IOCCP welcomes Kathy Tedesco as New Director
- Nutrients Standards: A Review and Summary of the 2009 INSS Workshop
- The Fundamentals of Carbon Biogeochemistry: A Training Workshop
- International Ocean pCO2 System Intercomparison Exercise Planned
- SOCAT Pacific Region Meeting Planned
November 2008:
- The Ocean in a High CO2 World-II Meeting Summary and Follow-up
- Report of the 3rd Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
- Changing Times: Summary of the International Time Series Meeting
- Ocean Acidification Best Practices Meeting Update
- SCOR General Meeting Approves Carbon Working Groups
- Carbon at OceanObs09
- London Convention Adopts Resolution on Ocean Fertilization
August 2008:
- Workshop on Best Practices for Ocean Acidification Research Planned
- Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project - 2nd Technical Meeting
- The Carbon in the North Atlantic (CARINA) Project Holds its Final Meeting
- Launch of the EU COordination action Carbon Observing System (COCOS)
- Three UN organizations tackle Ocean Fertilization
- Volunteer translators sought for the Best Practices Guide
- The IOCCP Seeks New Director for 2009
May 2008:
- Introducing the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group for 2008-2010
- The LDEO Takahashi Data Base is Published at CDIAC
- CDIAC Launches a Coastal Carbon Data and Information Web-site
- Report from OceanSensors'08 and Launch of the Ocean Carbon Sensor Directory
- The IOC Establishes an Ad Hoc Consultative Group on Ocean Fertilization
- Overview of the UK Carbon-Ops Program
- The Ocean in a High CO2 World-II: Abstract Deadline 31 May
- Upcoming Meetings: May – August 2008
February 2008:
- Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements Published
- WOCE Hydrography Manual to be Updated
- The Ocean in a High CO2 World-II: Registration opens 29 February
- OceanSensors 08 / Early Registration Ends 15 February
OceanObs 09: Ocean Information for Society: Sustaining the Benefits, Realizing the Potential
November 2007:
- Ocean Carbon in the Southern Ocean Observing System
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Global Dataset and Atlas Project Update
- Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP)
- Seacarb Program Revised
- Symposium Announcement: Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans
- The First “State of the Carbon Cycle Report” Released
August 2007:
The Ocean Acidification Network is Launched by SCOR, IOC-UNESCO, IAEA- MEL, and IGBP
- The IOCCP Web-Site is Renovated
- The Ocean in a High CO2 World – II: First Announcement
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerability Workshop Report is Published
- Atlantic Ocean Carbon Synthesis Group Homepage Launched
- Summary of the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Summer Workshop
- Input Solicited for OceanSensors'08 Conference
May 2007:
- Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerabilities Workshop Report
- IOCCP Scientific Steering Group second session report
- SOLAS/IMBER Carbon group meeting report
- Update on the Argo-Oxygen Programme
- IOCCP carbon observations tables and maps updated
- Data set release: Climatology of Global Surface Ocean Alkalinity
- Meeting report: GlobCOLOUR First User Consultation meeting
- New CCHDO Website
- Dick Feely elected AGU fellow
November 2006:
- Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” Kiel and Leibniz Institutes
- Potential for use of the Swedish icebreaker Oden for Southern Ocean research
- Excel macro developed to calculate CO2 system parameters
- UNESCO-SCOPE Policy brief on the Global Carbon Cycle published
- Systematic Observation Requirements for Satellite-based Products for Climate
August 2006:
- Report summary from the Initial North Atlantic Synthesis meeting, Iceland
- Map of carbon time series sites now available
- Report from the OCCC Ocean Carbon Workshop, July 10-13 Woods Hole
- Ocean carbon and the International Polar Year web site
- Report release: 'Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers'
May 2006:
- WAVES (Web-Accessible Vizualization and Extraction System) website launched
- Ocean carbon scientists in the news - P16N shows increased acidification
- Two projects on the optimisation of observation networks to deduce ocean CO2 fluxes
- New time series web page on the IOCCP site
- Ocean Carbon and the International Polar Year
- Report from the International Repeat Hydrography and Carbon Workshop
- "Friends of Oxygen on Argo" Group Established
- Roger Dargaville Joins the IOCCP Project Office
- Upcoming Ocean Carbon Sessions at AGU and EGU
- Ocean Carbon Community Invited to Advise ESA GlobColour Project
- SCAR-SCOR Southern Ocean Expert Group Report Available
November 2005:
- Ocean Carbon Open House Presentations On-Line
- IOCCP holds its first Scientific Steering Group meeting
- International Repeat Hydrography Meeting Nov 14-16: an update
- GLODAP Results and Data Published
August 2005:
- WHOI ocean carbon meeting provides information on future program structure
- Royal Society of London releases report on ocean acidification
- Global Carbon Project Climate Vulnerabilities Conference talks on-line
- New Terms of Reference approved for the IOCCP
May 2005:
- IOCCP expands its mandate and establishes a Scientific Steering Group
- The "Ocean Carbon Directory" developed as part of new IOCCP mandate
- European Space Agency launches GlobCOLOUR Project
- CARBO-OCEAN Holds Kick-Off Meeting in Bergen
- Changing "Ocean-Colour" ?: A Survey
- New MATLAB routine to calculate CO2 System Parameters
- Southeast Asia Regional Committee for START Call for Proposals
November 2004:
- "Guide of Best Practices" Coming Soon / PICES WG 17 Meeting News
- First CarboOcean Mesocosm CO2 Perturbation Study Announced
- UNFCCC Requests Special Report on Ocean Observations for Climate
- IGOS Partners Carbon Theme Developing Implementation Plan
- "The Ocean Carbon Cycle and Climate" - A NATO ASI Publication
August 2004:
- CARBOOCEAN Under Contract Negotiations - A Strong European Contribution to Worldwide Ocean Carbon Cycle Research
- North Pacific Regional Research Synthesis Group Approved as a GCP Project
- Ocean Observations Panel for Climate Endorses IOCCP for Ocean Carbon Coordination
- Research Priorities Report Published from The Ocean in a High CO2 World Symposium
- Update on the Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research Project
- Citation Protocol for Publicly Available Ocean Carbon Data Sets
- The Impacts of Climate Change on the Carbon Cycle in the North Pacific: an IOCCP Session at the PICES 13th Annual Meeting
May 2004:
- CLIVAR / IOC Indian Ocean Panel Meeting Report
- Summary of the Ocean in a High CO2 World Symposium
- IGOS Integrated Global Carbon Observation Theme Finalized
- US Ocean Carbon and Climate Change Implementation Strategy Published
- GCOS 10 year implementation plan begins review period
- Results from the Tsukuba Workshop on Ocean Surface pCO2 Data
- SOLAS and IMBER to Work Together on Ocean Carbon Implementation
- BEAGLE 2003 - An Expedition Around the Southern Hemisphere
- POGO - IOC - SCOR Capacity-Building Fellowships Need Hosts
- A Brief History of Ocean Carbon and its Links to the United Nations Global Observing Systems for Climate
November 2003:
- Carbon and Tracer News from the CLIVAR Southern Ocean Panel Meeting
- CLIVAR Carbon Representatives Named
- A26.5 Line May Reoccupy 24N
- SOLAS Working Group 3 Holds First Meeting
- Methods Handbook Scheduled for Early 2004 Publication
- New Southern Ocean "OISO" Data Available
- New Software to Calculate CO2 Parameters for Mac and Unix
August 2003:
- The IOCCP is launched at first workshop
- Ocean carbon experts to be added to CLIVAR Basin Panels
- IOC to facilitate permission process for research in territorial waters
- IOCCP investigates ways to create journal articles for data sets
- South China Sea regional carbon pilot project to be launched in November
- U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program develops ocean implementation plan
Important Background Documents
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Meeting Reports
Thursday, 14 March 2013
17th Session, Sopot, Poland & virtual 15-16 November 2022
16th Session, Sopot, Poland & virtual 22-24 November 2021
15th Session, (virtual) 17-19 November 2020
14th Session, Sopot, Poland 13-15 November 2019
13th Session, Tokyo, Japan 24-26 October 2018
12th Session, Miami, FL, USA 6-7 February 2017
11th Session, New Orleans, LA, USA 20 February 2016
10th Session, Sendai, Japan 14-16 April 2015
pending |
9th Session, Honolulu, HI, USA 22 February 2014
pending |
8th Session, Norwich, UK 22-23 April 2013
7th Session, Sopot, Poland 12-13 June 2012
pending |
6th Session, Paris, France 17-18 September 2011
5th Session, Viterbo, Italy 17-18 September 2010
4th Session, Jena, Germany 14 September 2009
3rd Session, Villefranche, France 3-4 October 2008
2nd Session, Paris, France 10 April 2007
1st Session, Broomfield, USA 1 October 2005
International Ocean Carbon Stakeholders Meeting, Paris, France 6-7 December 2004
Ocean Surface pCO2, Data Integration and Database Development Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan 14-17 January 2004
1st International Coordination Workshop, Paris, France 13-15 January 2003
2nd Session of the IOC-SCOR Ocean CO2 Advisory Panel, Honolulu, Hawaii 9 February 2002
1st Session of the IOC-SCOR Ocean CO2 Advisory Panel, Paris, France 4-6 September 2000
20-22 October 2020 virtual |
2020 SCOR Annual Meeting
18, 21-25, 30 Sep 2020 virtual |
Evolving and SustainingOcean Best Practices System Workshop IV
28 Sep-1 Oct 2020 virtual |
9th Session of the GOOS Steering Committee - Part 2 http://goosocean.org/goos-sc-9
20-23 April 2020 virtual |
9th Session of the GOOS Steering Committee - Part 1 http://goosocean.org/goos-sc-9
16-21 February 2020 San Diego, CA, USA |
AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020
16 February 2020 San Diego, CA, USA |
GLODAP data meeting
16-18 December 2019 Brest, France |
Marine Litter Indicators-What's Next?
27-29 November 2019 Brussels, Belgium |
H2020 EuroSea project Kick-Off Meeting
11-12 November 2019 Sopot, Poland |
Oxygen Data Workshop
28-30 October 2019 Paris, France |
IOC-UNESCO WG Integrated Ocean Carbon Research (IOCR) Workshop
21 September 2019 Honolulu, HI, USA |
GOOS Executive Meeting
16-20 September 2019 Honolulu, HI, USA |
OceanObs'19 Conference
23-25 September 2019 Toyama, Japan |
2019 SCOR Annual Meeting
29 July-1 August 2019 Geneve, Switzerland |
Reconciling GCOS and GOOS Requirements |
30 April-3 May 2019 Kiel, Germany |
8th Session of the GOOS Steering Committee |
13 & 18 April 2019 Hangzhou, China |
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Executive Council Annual Meeting |
14-17 April 2019 Hangzhou, China |
4th Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network International Workshop |
9 & 11 April 2019 Hangzhou, China |
10th Session of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG-10) |
25-28 March 2019 Paris, France |
First International AtlantOS Symposium |
1-2 September 2018 Kiel, Germany |
Global Ocean Oxygen NEtwork (GO2NE) annual workshop |
13-15 June 2018 Santa Marta, Colombia |
7th Session of the GOOS Steering Committee (GOOS-SC-7)
12 June 2018 Santa Marta, Colombia |
GOOS South American Regional Workshop
4-5 June 2018 Brussels, Belgium |
A European Vision for an Atlantic Ocean Observing System - AtlantOS workshop |
28-30 May 2018 Sopot, Poland |
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) Executive Council Meeting
14-17 May 2018 Plouzane, France |
Ninth meeting of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG-9)
7-8 March 2018 Bergen, Norway |
ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre workshop on ocean CO2 measurements
28 Feb-5 Mar 2018 Hobart, TAS, Australia |
GOOS Cross-Panel and Executive Committee Meeting
11-16 February 2018 Portlant, OR, USA |
2018 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting
11 February 2018 Portlant, OR, USA |
Surface Ocean CO2 Global Observations Network Kick-Off meeting Meeting report (pending)
16-18 January 2018 Paris, France |
Development of the SDG 14.3.1 indicator methodology - Expert Workshop
21-23 November 2017 Gran Canaria, Spain |
3rd EU H2020 AtlantOS General Assembly
2-13 October 2017 Mallorca, Spain |
GODAE OceanView International School: New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography
Chassignet, E. P., A. Pascual, J. Tintoré, and J. Verron (Eds.). (2018). New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography. GODAE OceanView, 815pp, https://doi.org/10.17125/gov2018
13-15 September 2017 Monterey, CA, USA |
Variability in the Oxycline and Its ImpaCts on the Ecosystem (VOICE) 1st Science Plan workshop
11-13 September 2017 Monterey, CA, USA |
Global Ocean Oxygen NEtwork (GO2NE) annual workshop Meeting report (pending)
11-13 September 2017 Singapore, Singapore |
Sixth meeting of the GOOS Steering Committee (GOOS-SC-6) Meeting report (draft)
24 August 2017 Interlaken, Switzerland |
SOLAS - IMBER - IOCCP - GCP - CLIVAR - WCRP scoping meeting on future ocean carbon cycle research (ICDC10 side event)
23 August 2017 Interlaken, Switzerland |
IOCCP workshop on Marine Carbon and Biogeochemistry Data (ICDC10 side event)
22-25 May 2017 Qingdao, China |
8th Meeting of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (JCOMM OCG-8)
25-27 April 2017 Paris, France |
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) Executive Council Meeting
27-31 March 2017 London, UK |
9th Session of the Ship Observations Team (JCOMM SOT-9)
1-3 March 2017 Bergen, Norway |
4th Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) Monitoring Stations Assembly (MSA) and Ocean Thematic Centre (OTC) meeting
11 February 2017 Miami, FL, USA |
3rd Meeting of the GOOS Steering Committee Executive
8 - 10 February 2017 Miami, FL, USA |
Implementation of Multidisciplinary Sustained Ocean Observations (IMSOO)
3 - 11 December 2016 Tijuana-Ensenada, Mexico |
Technical Workshop on Carbonate System Measurements
29 Nov - 1 Dec 2016 Sopot, Poland |
Setting Observing Targets for Biogeochemical Observing System in the Atlantic - Horizon 2020 AtlantOS workshop
2 - 13 November 2016 San Diego, CA, USA |
North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2016 Annual Meeting
11 - 13 October Gdansk, Poland |
IMDIS 2016: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems
26 - 29 September 2016 Southampton, UK |
7th Everyone's Gliding Observatories (EGO) Meeting Meeting website (documents accessible upon registration)
7 - 9 September 2016 Paris, France |
The Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE) annual workshop
6 - 8 September 2016 Frascati, Italy |
Colour and Light in the Ocean from Earth Observation (CLEO) Workshop
5 - 7 September 2016 Sopot, Poland |
2016 Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Annual Meeting
28 June - 1 July 2016 Kiel, Germany |
2nd General Assembly of the EU Horizon2020 AtlantOS Project
1-3 June 2016 Sopot, Poland
5th Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Steering Committee Meeting
8-10 May 2016
Hobart, Australia
3rd Global Ocean Acidification (GOA-ON) Science Workshop |
4-6 April 2016 Mallorca, Spain
7th Session of the WMO-IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM)'s Observation Coordination Group (OCG)
2-4 March 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands
GCOS Science Conference: The Road to the Future |
14-15 January 2016 Copenhagen, Denmark
EU Horizon 2020 AtlantOS project WP1 Workshop |
19-20 November 2015 Monaco, Monaco
GOA-ON Executive Council Meeting on Data Portal and Synthesis Products |
22-24 September 2015 Heraklion, Greece |
7th Session of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Regional Alliances Forum (GRF-7)
14-18 September 2015 Galway, Ireland
GAIC 2015: "Sustained ocean observing for the next decade," a combined GO-SHIP/Argo/IOCCP conference on physical and biogeochemical measurements of the water column
7 September 2015 Kiel, Germany
Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) and Surface Ocean pCO2 Mapping Intercomparison (SOCOM) event and release of SOCATv3 at the SOLAS Open Science Conference
24-26 May 2015 Townsville, Australia
4th Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committe (GOOS SC-4)
27-30 April 2015 Cape Town, South Africa |
6th Session of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Observations Coordination Group (OCG)
20-24 April 2015 Cape Town, South Africa |
8th Session of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Ship Observations Team (SOT)
21-23 October 2014 Seattle, USA
SOCAT Automation Workshop
24-26 July 2014 Barcelona, Spain |
3rd Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committe (GOOS SC-3)
23 June 2014 Bergen, Norway |
SOCAT Community Event workshop
23 February 2014 Honolulu, USA
4th meeting of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP 4)
13-16 November 2013 Townsville, Australia
1st Technical Experts Workshop of the GOOS Biogeochemistry Panel: Defining Essential Ocean Variables for Biogeochemistry
5-7 September 2013 Silver Spring, USA |
5th Session of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Observations Coordination Group (OCG)
24-26 July 2013 St. Andrews, Scotland, UK |
2nd International Workshop to Develop and Ocean Acidification Observing Network of Ship Surveys, Moorings, Floats and Gliders
4 June 2013 Beijing, China
SOCAT Release of version 2 and science highlights side event at 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC)
25-27 March 2013 Qingdao, China |
2nd Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committe (GOOS SC-2)
28-30 November 2012 St. Georges, Bermuda
Global Intercomparability in a Changing Ocean: An International Time-Series Methods Workshop
2-4 October 2012 Seattle, USA |
SOCAT Coastal and Arctic quality control workshop
3-5 July 2012 Tsukuba, Japan |
SOCAT version 2 planning meeting
26-28 June 2012 Seattle, USA
International Workshop to Develop and Ocean Acidification Observing Network of Ship Surveys, Moorings, Floats and Gliders
20-22 June 2012 Paris, France
1st Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committe (GOOS SC-1)
10-11 May 2012 Seattle, USA |
SOCAT automation meeting
26-30 September 2011 Geneva, Switzerland
The 27th session of the Data Buoy Co-operation Panel (DBCP-27) meeting
12-13 September 2011 Paris, France |
SOCAT public release and automation meeting
18-20 April 2011 Hobart, Australia
4th Session of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Observations Coordination Group (OCG)
11-15 April 2011 Hobart, Australia
6th Session of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Ship Observations Team (SOT)
21 February 2010 Portland, OR, USA
The Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) International Planning Meeting
8-11 February 2010 Tokyo, Japan |
SOCAT Pacific and Indian Oceans regional group workshop
23 September 2009 Venice, Italy
2nd meeting of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP 2) workshop
25-26 June 2009 Norwich, UK |
SOCAT Atlantic and Southern Ocean regional group workshop
18-20 March 2009 Tsukuba, Japan |
SOCAT Pacific regional group workshop
22-23 January 2009 Kiel, Germany |
SOCAT Coastal regional group workshop |
16-17 June 2008 Paris, France |
2nd Technical Meeting of the SOCAT team
2 and 5 December 2007 Delmenhorst, Germany |
1st Technical Meeting of the SOCAT team
1-2 November 2007 Victoria, Canada
1st meeting of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP 1) workshop
11-14 April 2007 Paris, France |
Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerabilities Workshop
28-30 June 2006 Laugarvatn, Iceland |
Initial Atlantic Ocean Carbon Synthesis Meeting
14-16 November 2005 Shonan Village, Japan |
International Repeat Hydrography and Carbon Workshop
April 2002 |
A Global Ocean Carbon Observation System - A Background Report
Standards and Methods
Thursday, 14 March 2013
CO2 system calculation tools
AtlantOS Ocean Data QC software (for primary QC on hydrographic data) https://github.com/ocean-data-qc/ocean-data-qc
Secondary Quality Control (2nd QC) on ocean chemistry and hydrographic data
Associated paper: Lauvset & Tanhua (2015)
Air-sea CO2 gas fluxes calculation tools
OceanFlux data online configurator
Version 3 now includes:
Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10)
The IOCCP promotes the development of a global network of ocean carbon observations for research through technical coordination and communication services, international agreements on standards and methods, and advocacy and links to the global observing systems. The IOCCP is co-sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. Read more…
IOCCP meetings, IOCCP-related meetings as well as events related to a wider scope in marine biogeochemistry. |